Saturday, December 18, 2010

Final Book Response to Unwind

          The ending to Unwind made me want to cry. Well the only part was when they were unwinding Roland. The actual end made me happy. Suspense is a crazy abundance when reading this book.
        The Lit Circle Discussions helped get some more insight to the book and other peoples perspectives helped me see some parts of the book in a new way. One of the things we discussed in class was being able to unwind someone and then put them back together again like Humphrey Dunfee. It was kind of confusing when they had the story of Humphrey and Connor and Risa in the same chapter. I forgot who was who. It was kind of scary when his parents had everyone in the same room and their conversations started to converge into one and it was like Humphrey was back. We were thinking if they unwound someone would they live when they were put back together? I believe they might be able to do that but no one knows for sure besides Neal Shusterman. Another topic we had was Connor and Roland and how Roland calls Connor a killer when Connor killed people on accident. If someone is killed my accident is that person considered a murderer? Also We were debating on whether or not if Roland was in the crate with Connor if he would kill him or not. Most of us believed he would have. I also think its ironic that in his surgery Connor got Rolands arm, the same arm that was threatening to rape hi girlfriend and kill him.