Saturday, December 18, 2010

Final Book Response to Unwind

          The ending to Unwind made me want to cry. Well the only part was when they were unwinding Roland. The actual end made me happy. Suspense is a crazy abundance when reading this book.
        The Lit Circle Discussions helped get some more insight to the book and other peoples perspectives helped me see some parts of the book in a new way. One of the things we discussed in class was being able to unwind someone and then put them back together again like Humphrey Dunfee. It was kind of confusing when they had the story of Humphrey and Connor and Risa in the same chapter. I forgot who was who. It was kind of scary when his parents had everyone in the same room and their conversations started to converge into one and it was like Humphrey was back. We were thinking if they unwound someone would they live when they were put back together? I believe they might be able to do that but no one knows for sure besides Neal Shusterman. Another topic we had was Connor and Roland and how Roland calls Connor a killer when Connor killed people on accident. If someone is killed my accident is that person considered a murderer? Also We were debating on whether or not if Roland was in the crate with Connor if he would kill him or not. Most of us believed he would have. I also think its ironic that in his surgery Connor got Rolands arm, the same arm that was threatening to rape hi girlfriend and kill him.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Response to Unwind 2nd Paperclip

         In my first blog post about what I thought of Unwind I said that the events were unexpected and you never saw what was coming. I still definitely think that, there's a surprise every chapter.  I like how the author has separate chapters for characters that, at that moment, seem insignificant but they end up helping the main characters. There were a lot of new characters introduced in the 2nd paperclip such as Emby, Roland, Cyrus, and Tyler. I thought that Cy-Ty or whoever he was was interesting because Cyrus had to get an operation where part of Tyler's brain was put into the missing part of Cyrus' brain, after a while Tyler had started taking over Cyrus and it got out of control.
         In class we talked about when Connor punches Lev and we were discussing on whether Lev deserved it or not and I believe Lev did deserve it. Lev is always sabotaging and ruining things. For example, when Conner, Risa, Lev, and the baby are hiding in the high school bathrooms and Lev escaped and turned them in, he ruined their runaway but they got away. Also we discussed if you unwound someone would they be able to function and live because of part of Tyler's brain taking over Cyrus. I don't think this would work because its basically reanimating someone and we need NO zombies/reanimated people. Cyrus was talking to Lev and telling him that its in his nature to run from unwinding. It may or may not have gotten to Lev and convinced him to keep running from unwinding. No one really deserves to be unwound but when Lev thinks of it as a privilege then it just seems wrong. I think it may have gotten to Lev that he doesn't HAVE to die or be sacrificed to god. Lev's grades in school are good and he plays multiple sports so its not like he won't amount to anything in life.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


        I hear that there is some debate on whether or not Oakland is safe or not. Living in the hood for my whole life, I would say Oakland is fine. A lot of people call it a "kill-zone" and say its dangerous. From the parts I've lived in and from my experience its not really dangerous unless you're unlucky and shot as an innocent bystander or you're into some stuff. Most people in Oakland aren't even into stuff. Oakland has actually been very safe for me and lots of other people. There are parts that are very nice like Montclair and the Oakland Hills are all safe as can be.
        As for the gangs, there are gangs and gang affiliation in Oakland but the difference is its just as much as any other city. Oakland is targeted because of stories that people have heard on the news of people getting shot or stabbed or something. Just as much crime happens elsewhere but Oakland has been targeted. A lot of big stuff happens in Oakland, such as Oscar Grant and Police getting shot, they only talk about the really bad things that happen. When you ask people they would say that Oakland is unsafe and there's violence everywhere. This is a common stereotype. If you ask people in Oakland they would say Oakland is perfectly fine and safe.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Response to Ebone's Post About Religion

 I was looking for something to respond to when I came across Ebone and her never ending debate about religion and this quote:

 "I believe it was about a month ago when a rude and pathetic and freshman friend of mine (who I will call X) said to me, "Yeah sure. You believe in something that is really not up there!'"
"Now this is very offensive and I remember when I was in that same position just a few months ago, fighting for what I believed in."
         This is a quote within a quote and I agree with Ebone. I take this into offense and I'm not even religious, sure, I was baptized but I never  had my first communion and I believe in three main things: Karma, Fate, and God. I like to believe in an afterlife but I'm not entirely sure. I think that "X" shouldn't say that "You believe in something that is really not up there!" because thats highly offensive to them and others. Sure we don't know whats "up there" or not but thats the point, WE DON'T KNOW FOR SURE! There could or couldn't be someone "up there" we won't know until we find out which no one know's when we will.
       When Ebone said "fighting for what I believe in" that brings me to the point of, does it matter? Why does "X" really care what she believes in? Its her beliefs and she can believe what she wants to. If anyone could try and argue and say "Oh well what you believe isn't true! Its a lie!". Well then I would say "So, does it matter?" It doesn't matter if "X" doesn't believe in what Ebone believes in, "X" is NOT Ebone so "X" should mind their own business and pay attention to their beliefs and not Ebone's, whatever they may be. I don't know what Ebone believes in, it doesn't matter to me, she's still my friend ans she still would be even if she believed in something that wasn't true. I'm not saying that anything is or isn't true, I'm simply stating that it doesn't matter, Ebone is still Ebone.

Repsonse to Unwind

          So far, Unwind is great ! You never know whats going to happen and you don't expect what happens, its unpredictable and I love that about the book. One thing that struck me is the way Connor's parents just try to shake off the guilt of having their son ordered to be unwound. They have some nerve. I don't think any parent could live with the guilt but the fact that the trip to the Bahama's the day after Connor's supposed to be unwound is slightly irritating. They're going to harvest their kid for organs while they're sipping on a tall iced tea by the beach. Those are some good parents...not. Also the nerve of his girlfriend Ariana. How could someone just say "O I'm going to run away with you, school is going bad and I would totally run away!" and then when it comes time for her to run away suddenly it changes to "Oh now isn't not a good time, call me when your somewhere safe and I'll come for you." I think that's kinda messed up, her boyfriends going to die and she just says "Oh, I can't" that's messed up.
        Also Lev is crazy! He WANTS to get unwound because it's his "purpose in life" and part of his religion. If anything he should be like a normal teenager and just try everything in his power not to get unwound, but his thoughts are quite the opposite. He is all for the idea of dying. I understand the fact that he's brainwashed, which isn't very good, but come on  why would you want to die? If my parents had me ordered to be unwound I'd do exactly how Connor did and run away. Connor came across a trucker that had a new hand. The trucker said that he thinks everyday what the child could have amounted to and accomplished. I think its sad when you kill an innocent child just for organs you could get off someone who's life wasn't cut short by other humans.