Saturday, November 6, 2010


      Racism annoys me, so much! Everyone has those moments where they don't mean to be racist and it comes out that way or they're being jokingly racist. I have no issues with the joking racism, but there's a limit. People who are serious about racism and what they say are usually ignorant and they really just go with how they were brought up. If someone was raised to believe that racism is okay then they teach their children that its okay. To me, serious racism against any race is never okay.
      I have come across many forms of racism to many different races. Obviously the main ones I've heard are against black people. Most of the word I hear, ofcourse being mainly serious racism, are coon, spear chucker, monkey, dog, and ofcourse the N-word. I've been called alot of these, some serious and some joking. To put it in nicer words, I wanted to seriously injure the people that called me this. Racism should be agaisnt the law, there is a lot of it amongst children because their parents have been brought up that way so their bringing their children to think racism is okay.