Friday, September 17, 2010


I found this quote I can really relate to in Nawara's blog:.
When I came to Alameda Science and Technology Institute, I learned that I was in a smaller environment and in an area that is full time work, work, work. When it was my first day of school, all I was thinking about was college. I felt like I was not in a high school where they have rallies, dances, and football games. I was in a community where we succeed in higher educational standards. As a freshman, I was scared. I felt like I was not going to succeed even though I was accepted, I did not feel like I was ready.
       I can identify with what Nawara said when she said she was scared, when she came here, of failing at ASTI. When I came here I expected work, and lots of it. We kind of eased into all the work, but it still wasn't easy. I had to make all new habits when I came home and that was a hard transition for me. I didn't expect a normal high school,I expected a serious high school, with serious teachers, and even more serious homework, but after a month it gets easier, My grades at my old school were very good but once I came to ASTI they dropped, alot.
       I'm slowly yet surely getting my grades back up, but its hard at some points. I can understand why kids who don't go here think its a really serious academic school but you have to experience it for yourself and what you think of the school and not what other people have told you. I thought that at first but once I got here I realized that this school is not as hard as people say it is.
      When I came here I also was very afraid of failing at the high school and not being able to go to the college. Now I feel more prepared for the college but it will be a big transition. The whole point of ASTI is to prepare us for college and by giving us the amount of work we have will definitely prepare us for college.