Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sex, Drugs, and The Extinction of Dinosaurs

    When arguing a point you need to be able to back yourself up with sound, logical, and solid evidence. If you don't use sound evidence people won't believe you and your point will not be heard and ignored. Many people have argued for a long, long time over creationism vs evolution ism. I have heard both theories and their evidence. Evolution ism  is the theory that an organism developed and evolved into a fish then it started walking on land and those animals developed into other animals and monkey's developed into humans. Their evidence is fossils discovered by archaeologists. Real fossils you can see and touch and feel. That to me sounds like solid logical evidence. Evidence you can touch and see.
     Creationism is the theory that all animals and humans and the world ans universe was created by god in seven days. their evidence is that its in the bible and that some men from years and years ago wrote a book or a diary of Jesus and what he could do and how he could contact god. Evolution ism is basing their argument on real things and creationism is basing their argument on a book, and something they believe. That to me is not sound evidence


Charlie said...

Remember your own advice when it comes to our future in-class debates. ;^)