Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The House on Mango Street: Red

In the book, The House on Mango Street the color Red represents something being forced upon someone. It also represents unhappiness or resentment.

"It's small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you'd think they were holding their breath. Bricks are crumbling in places, and the front door is so swollen you have to push hard to get in. There is no front yard, only four little elms the city planted by the curb. Out back is a small garage for the car we don't own yet and a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side." (4)
Esperanza, the main character, doesn't like the new house at all that her and her family moved into. she immediately points out all its flaws because it isn't her dream house. She has the idea of a pretty and peaceful house all to herself, but once she moves into the house on Mango street she's hesitant because its run down.
"Someday I will have a best friend all my own. One I can tell my secrets to. One who will understand my jokes without my having to expalin them. Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor." (9)
In this quote Esperanza is longing for a friend that she can basically share her life with, kind of like a sister her age. When she says "Until then I am a red balloon, a balloon tied to an anchor." (9) She is comparing herself to something that can go very far but she can't because she's tied to the ground and the release, or thing she needs to set herself free, is a best friend. The color red is asociated with being tied down and not being able to go far away.